Why do I need a graphic designer?

An experienced graphic design professional will find the best ways to leverage concepts and visual elements to reach your audience and build your brand. The results are well-crafted & integral components of an effective communications strategy, crucial for staying relevant and growing your business in a crowded marketplace.

What is your process?

It starts with a consultation so that I can learn everything I need to know about your business and market niche. Through a collaborative process we define and refine what you need within your timeframe and budget. There is no “one size fits all” solution – my efforts are specific to my clients’ unique initiatives and goals.

I provide a detailed Scope of Work proposal so you will know exactly what to expect before the design process begins. The creative work may be simple & straightforward or may be more conceptual and multi-faceted.

You end up with deliverables for print and digital that engage your audience, support your brand & enable you and your business to succeed.

Who are your clients?

My work is not industry-specific – I work with a wide range of businesses both large and small including corporations like Abbott Diagnostics, Magnolia Medical Technologies & Baker Hughes, as well as higher education, start-ups, non-profits and entrepreneurs. Every client is different and my approach is always completely tailored to their specific needs.

When can I expect the work to be done?

Timeframes are discussed and agreed upon at the beginning of the process. I take pride in meeting my client’s needs and working with their schedules so that the process is seamless and stress-free.